GABBAfest 2007


GABBAfest 2007
“Keeping The Family Together”
At the Historic Douglass Theatre
Macon, Georgia, October 5-7

GABBAfest 2007 follows on the heels of the great GABBAfest 2006 & returns to the fabulous Douglass Theatre complex in downtown Macon, Georgia. GABBAfest 2007 will feature not only outstanding artists but friends we have known & loved for many years: The Randall Bramlett Band, and The Jack Pearson Band. In addition, we are very thrilled to have Mojo Saint & Bonobos Convergence, as well as new friends, The Fly Brothers.

Schedule of Events
updated September 7, 2007

Click on links (in color) for more information.
All Events at the Douglass Theatre Complex,
355 Martin Luther King Blvd.,

unless otherwise stated.

Friday, Oct. 5

4 PM – 8 PM Registration
and Big House Tour Signup
6 PM – 7 PM Welcome Dinner
7 PM – 12 AM Music
The Fry Brothers
The Randall Bramblett Band

Saturday, Oct.6

12 PM – 6 PM Hourly Big House Tours
2321 Vineville Ave.
$5 donation requested.
1 PM – 6 PM Collectors Revival
Members Jam
6:30 PM –  7 PM GABBY Award Presentation
Raffle and Auction
7 PM – 12 AM Music:
Bonobos Convergence
The Jack Pearson Band

Sunday, Oct. 7

1 PM  –  3 PM Rose Hill Tree Dedication  Ceremony
Member Goodbye Social
Rose Hill Cemetery
1091 Riverside Drive

We will proudly feature the following artists:

The Fly Brothers
Friday Night Opening Band

An Excellent, Up and Coming Band!



Featuring Jack Hall, Billy Earl McClelland, & David Brazeal
Friday Night Band
Mojo:Saint Website

Randall Bramblett Band
Featuring Randall Bramblett, Davis Causey, Mike Hines. Mike Steele and Gerry Hansen
Friday Night Band

Bonobos Convergence
Featuring Vaylor Trucks, Pete Orenstein, and Frank Registrato
Saturday Night Band


Jack Pearson Band
Saturday Night Band