GABBA Board of Directors

President: Tom Whitten

Vice Presidents: Kyler Mosely, Andy Johnson

Treasurer: Surelle Pinkston

Secretary: Lendi Gray


2015 -GABBA board members at GABBAfest 2015 with our special friend Joe Fester (photo courtesy of Mark Vormittag)

GABBA Board of Directors – Members:

Richi Ackerman David Jarrell Laraine Potter
Brian Bentzel Thomas Jarrell Fred Simonelli
Don Eason Jimmy McCord Jane Simonelli
Billy Freeman Mary McCord Frank Tolson
Candace Griffith Lisa Meyer Luanne Wheless

2012 picture featuring GABBA board members with the late Capt. Skipper – Skip Littlewood


2013 – GABBA board members presenting Mama Louise a certificate of appreciation

GABBA Advisory Board:

Tim GriggsBob Konrad
Peter NogasMaggie Reimer
Jeff StoneMark Vormittag